Wanna want to kniw what happening at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week? The you must read the
FAGE Press Release below:
Many Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Smashbox Studios attendees can claim they have a personal secret weaponthat adds a little glamour and luxury to their lifestyle ... a favorite lip-gloss, the perfect pair of heels, or a handbag. Some enjoy theindulgent, velvety collection of ... FAGE (Fa'-yeh!) Total, an extravaganceso hush-hush, only a select few know what it is, let alone how to pronounceit.FAGE Total, the first authentic Greek yogurt, is just that, aridiculously classy must-have item for those in the know. For many years,FAGE was only available in Greece, Italy and other European capitals, andenjoyed only by fashion jetsetters who traveled abroad. Now, FAGE isexpanding its presence in the US and hitting the runways of LA.
A Ridiculously Decadent Dessert
FAGE Total is taking LA by storm as the official gourmet food ofMercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Smashbox Studios. Chef Nicolas Peter, of thecelebrity and influencer magnet, The Little Door, has partnered with FAGETotal to create a FAGE Total recipe that will be available exclusively atthe event. Celebrity Chef Nicolas Peter will un-cover a one of a kind, FAGE Totalrecipe on Tuesday, October 16th at 3:30 pm at the FAGE cafe at SmashboxStudios that will truly showcase the week's hottest new trend-luxury andextravagance. The "unveil" will occur amidst the glitz and glitter ofL.A.'s ridiculously fashionable audience and will be attended by celebrityand model fans of the indulgent Greek yogurt.
The restaurant, a favorite of the ridiculously famous Victoria andDavid Beckham, is known for its elegance and high quality Mediterraneancuisine, making it a harmonious partner for FAGE Total. Also adored by fansincluding the ridiculously beautiful Heidi Klum and ridiculously talentedChristina Aguilera, the restaurant was named "Best Romantic Restaurant ofLA." The restaurant is continually lauded by critics and clientele as oneof the best restaurants in LA, because of its simple and stylish appeal.
"FAGE Total is one of those fabulous products that a chef always wantsto incorporate into a recipe," says Chef Nicolas Peter. "The texture is socreamy and the taste is amazingly rich that the possibilities to make anextraordinary dish are practically endless."
While the backstage of fashion shows are usually outfitted withchampagne and snacks, this year, models and designers will be able to feaston FAGE Total, the official gourmet food at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week atSmashbox Studios. The irony of models lining up for rich, creamy yogurt, isa bit out of the ordinary, yet since FAGE Total is made of only twoingredients, live cultures and milk, its benefits are endless. It'sall-natural, free of any additives, sweeteners, or preservatives, and hashigher quantities of protein than other yogurts. Can we say something aboutbeing a good filling snack?
FAGE Total will celebrate designers including Beach Bunny, JosephDomingo, Bird of Prey, Candice Held and Voom by Joy Hahn by serving uptheir favorite FAGE recipe as a treat to all of Fashion Week guests. FAGETotal, the ridiculously thick yogurt, will be just as hot as the designsfrom the runways.
This season's shows will be going 'green,' with a focus onsustainability in an effort to reduce the industrial impact on theenvironment. "We are so thrilled to be able to lead the charge on thiseffort, and are honored to have FAGE Total involved, as their productreally represents our theme of purity and all-natural living," according toDavis Factor, Smashbox Studios co founder.
For those who enjoy good taste and high quality products, FAGE Total isa premium daily indulgence with a rich, luxurious taste. FAGE is the firstand only company to provide consumers strained yogurt due to its unique,proprietary manufacturing process. During production, the yogurt isstrained to remove most of the whey from the milk, typically 4 liters ofmilk will produce one liter of yogurt. FAGE Yogurt Panacotta -- Exclusive Fashion Week Recipe FAGE Yogurt Panacotta with Dragon Fruit Ingredients -- 450 Gram of Manufactured Heavy Cream -- 200 Gram of Sugar -- 2 Whole and Split Bourbon Vanilla Bean -- 4 1/2 Sheet of Gelatin -- 900 Gram of FAGE Yogurt Directions -- Place the Cream, Sugar and Vanilla beans in a Sauce Pan -- Bring up to a Boil -- Incorporate the gelatin prior softened in Cold water -- Cool to Room Temperature -- Fold in the FAGE Yogurt -- Poor directly in serving recipient alternating with the Natural Fruit Flavoring. -- Refrigerate for Two Hours until Set
About The Little Door and Chef Nicolas Peter
For more than 10 years, LA locals have been enjoying a romanticRiviera, known as The Little Door, which is ideal for enjoying exquisiteFrench-Mediterranean Cuisine. Chef Nicolas Peter strives to incorporatelocal and organic ingredients, ensuring that his menu is healthy, seasonal,and ripe with flavor.
Consistently complemented for excellent elegant French Mediterraneanfare at The Little Door restaurant, Chef Nicolas' natural talent ofcreating harmonious dishes, perfectly balancing the ingredients' color,texture, flavor and consistency are always represented. Captured by thearomas of fresh produce, herbs, and spices, Chef Nicolas carefullyconsiders the flavor of each ingredient in developing a new dish, and isalways refining familiar entrees to keep surprising and pleasing palettes.
FAGE Total Greek yogurt is a leading, global brand of all natural,premium yogurt made in Greece by the #1 yogurt producer in Greece, FAGES.A. Produced in the authentic Greek yogurt tradition, originating inancient times, FAGE Total Greek yogurt offers a distinctively rich, creamyfresh dairy flavor and texture that is uncommonly luxurious.
Introduced to the USA in 2000, FAGE Total Greek yogurt is widelyavailable at major supermarkets, gourmet and specialty food stores in keymetropolitan and suburban regions from coast to coast. The fast-growing,authentic Greek yogurt continuously attracts new enthusiastic and loyalconsumers who enjoy its unparalleled pleasures and health benefits.
Source: FAGE
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