Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Internet T-shirt Revolution Creates Multi-Million Dollar Industry

Wanting more to personalize their messages people order more and more t shirts on-line. T-shirts are graved with preferential messages. In this way you can be cool and original in the same time. Want to try? Get a look on the next Press Release, maybe you’ll get the inspiration.

"In light of the new surge of do-it-yourself internet boutiques like and, more and more entrepreneurs are taking to the net these days to create customized e-commerce sites that allow them to spend time crafting and customizing their message without the initial overheads usually associated with product business models. By saving the thousands on production, entrepreneurs are now better able to reallocate those funds for marketing with newer and more streamlined technologies.

One such industry that is thriving from this new business model is today's t-shirt market, which for decades has been allowing sports, music, and entertainment aficionados to express themselves as part of the personal branding revolution.
"What you wear on your shirt says a lot about you," says J. Hines, t-shirt guru and owner of, a CafePress store. "And I mean that in a deeper sense than the high-school clique hierarchy we've been conditioned to understand. Wearing a tee that expresses your humor and taste connects you to an entire community in a glance, allowing people to expand their dialogue with the entertainment they love far beyond the cinema doors or their TV sets," Hines says.

Hines's company is a perfect example of the new e-boutique culture that works to promote and sell cult media entertainment from the viewer's perspective. Taking inspiration from both film and television cult phenomena, allows its community to interact in a more meaningful way than the big studio conglomerates can understand.

"While studios typically do a good job of marketing the original products, they don't always latch onto the sub-themes, tag lines, and undercurrents that the fans love," Hines says. "That's why we've become one of CafePress's larger sellers so quickly. We offer fans a more intimate experience with our t-shirts that speak to who they really are, not what the corporate behemoths want them to be."
Companies like are using the web and its social media tools to transform a formerly niche market into big business for the new millennium with no signs of slowing down. Because the on-demand nature of these shops virtually eliminates any overhead, companies can easily test ideas and let the market decide which ones to bank on. "

Source: PRWEB

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