Sunday, September 30, 2007

An Exclusive Encounter With Giorgio Armani in Second Life

Second Life, the virtual 3 D will host this Thursday a conversation between Candy Pratts Price and Giorgio Armani. Thos week we also can assist to the opening of an Armani/Manzoni store.

Style. com Press Release:

"Visitors to this online emporium, a mirror of the designer's real-life concept store on Milan's Via Manzoni, will be able to buy Armani's wares virtually using Second Life currency (as well as actually buy them via a link to What we find most intriguing is the possibility of bumping into the designer—or at least his avatar—in the café, bookstore, or among the racks of clothes. "I am looking forward to meeting those Second Lifers who visit the store," Armani said. "My alter ego will be present much of the time to check on how the store is doing."

His first virtual encounter will be with Pratts Price, herself a convert to the 3-D universe. "When I first heard of Second Life, I thought it was a cat food," joked's executive fashion director. "But I quickly discovered that it's a whole unique world. It's like arriving at a club, dancing with someone, and then getting to know them. I love how you can go anywhere, be anywhere.""


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