Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Young talents in fashion hunted and rewarded by The Art Institute

A new opportunity appeared for young talents: The Art Institute awards a scolarship to study fashion.

Art Institute Press Release:

Created to encourage and reward young fashion design and fashion marketing, merchandising and retail management talent at the high school level, The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Competition awards a full-tuition scholarship to study fashion design or fashion marketing, merchandising or retail management at an Art Institutes location with a Fashion program.

Open to high school seniors across North America interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry, The Art Institutes Passion for Fashion Competition is now in its third year. The competition entry deadline is November 19, 2007. To be eligible, students must complete an entry and release form, have a minimum G.P.A of 2.0, write a short essay describing their interest in fashion and submit a finished, originally designed evening wear garment or fashion marketing, merchandising or retail management product or plan.

This fall, Art Institute schools across the U.S. and Canada are hosting special events at their schools to encourage participation among local high school students, and give them a chance to visit the school, ask questions, and find out more about the competition. According to Bruce E. Dempsey, Vice President, Academic Affairs Specialist, for The Art Institutes, "Local events at participating Art Institute schools are a great way for high school students to see what a Fashion program looks like up close and to meet faculty, staff and students." A small sampling of events at local Art Institute schools include, a VIP hors d'oeuvres reception and school tour, "Fall Fashion Friday" and a fashion scavenger hunt.

Source: Art Institute

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